Doing one thing while believing in another kills the spirit. Either change your belief or change your actions. You already know what needs to change. What comes in the way is fear. Freedom is available only in putting your head right into it, sitting at the very centre of it and letting fear have its way. Love, Jyoti.
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There's huge power in unconditional acceptance - however things are and however things are not; however a person is and however the person is not. It is also the first step of transformation - either your own or your business or your children or of the world itself. Unconditional acceptance also means accepting that the other is right because from the point where the other is standing, she is right just as you are right from the point you are standing. Love, Jyoti.
When you choose to respond to life's difficulties with compassion and love instead of fear and doubt, you create a "heaven on earth" - you bring the aspects of a more balanced and harmonious level of reality into physical being....Your intention and attention shape your experiences. What you intend...becomes your reality. Where your attention goes, you go. If you attend to the negative aspects of life, if you choose to focus your attention on the weaknesses of others, on their faults and shortcomings, you draw to yourself the lower-frequency energy currents of disdain, anger and hatred. You put distance between yourself and others. You create obstacles to your loving. If you choose to focus your attention on the strengths of others, on the virtues of others, on that part of others that strives for the highest, you run through your system the higher-frequency currents of appreciation, acceptance and love...You become an effective instrument of constructive change...You cannot become compassionate with yourself without becoming compassionate with others, or with others without becoming compassionate with yourself. When you are compassionate with yourself and others, your world becomes compassionate. You draw to yourself other souls of like frequency, and with them you create, through your intentions and your actions and your interactions, a compassionate world. As you come to seek and see the virtues and strengths and nobilities of others, you begin to seek and see them in yourself also. As you draw to yourself the highest currents of each situation, you radiate that frequency of consciousness, and change the situation...What you intend is what you become. If you intend to take as much from life and others as you can, if your thoughts are of taking instead of giving, you create a reality that reflects your intentions. You draw to yourself souls of like frequency, and together you create a taking reality. Your experiences then reflect your own orientation, and validate it. You see the people around you as personalities who take, rather than personalities who give. You do not trust them, and they do not trust you...The challenge to each human is creation. Will you create with reverence, or with neglect?
from The Seat of the Soul by Gary Zukav. PS: If you create in awareness with reverence and with love, you create a heaven for yourself on earth. Otherwise, you are creating unconsciously with neglect. The converse is also true. If you don't like the reality you are in, you are creating unconsciously with no reverence and love where you are. Love, Jyoti. There are essentially 5 mountains that one needs to climb on an entrepreneurial journey. Travelling on this path is hugely fulfilling and transformational, but there are mountains to climb which are pretty steep. Mountain 1 is what I call the Mountain of Purpose on which you figure out the purpose of your life, your passion and pick up an idea to pursue. If your business is not connected to who you are as a human being, you will never have the energy to climb all those steep mountains to sustainable success. Once you have identified something that you are passionate about, its time to climb Mountain 2 which is what I call the Mountain of Value. Business is really about marrying your purpose, your passion to what's missing in the world. This is where Business Modeling starts and you figure out your Value Proposition. Its an iterative process and you experiment your way forward. Once you have data that proves that you have identified your Value Proposition that people are willing to pay money for, you are ready to scale Mountain 3 which is the Mountain of Growth. It is here where you discover through iterative experiments your repeatable, scalable, profitable business model. Once you find that, you prototype it and automate it. Then you are ready for Mountain 4 or the Mountain of Scale, where you press the accelerator to scale the business by multiplying the automated prototype of your business model. Finally, you are ready for Mountain 5 which is when you step outside the business because your baby (a business is like a baby you are nurturing, by the way) is ready to leave your apron strings and live on its own with professional management. And, you are ready to pick up another passion, another piece of your purpose to fulfil. Alongside this journey, there are two other critical journeys that the entrepreneur needs to take in parallel - that of Leadership Depth and Craft Mastery. Wishing you courage to follow your dreams and passion to keep walking on the path to your highest self & greatest dreams. Love, Jyoti.
I reduced my working hours by half from 2015 to 2016, more than doubled my revenue, started golf and launched a new business which is higher up the value chain. How did I do it - I just stopped being busy being busy, figured what my top 20% is which is giving me 80% returns and focussed my time & energy there, spent more time deepening mastery of my craft (which is coaching) and making a much bigger difference to my customers (my coachees) than in marketing. If I can, so can you. Go for it, 2017 is your year. Love, Jyoti.
Why do 9 out of 10 businesses fail in the first five years of their existence? Its something even more fundamental than missing out to apply the basic fundamentals of entrepreneurship in the excitement of either chasing external funding or product / service development without customer discovery. That fundamental component is Leadership Depth. Jim Collins calls them Level 5 Leaders, we call them Gear 5 Leaders. Based on his extensive empirical research, Collins established that all organisations that cut-over to greatness had a CEO who was a Level 5 Leader. Other organisations died the death of mediocrity over a period of time. Entrepreneurship Programs / Start-up Accelerators would contribute to greater start-up success if they focussed equally on building Level 5 Leadership in the founders that they are coaching. Love, Jyoti.
Jyoti GulatiCEO Coach & Founder, Archives
April 2017
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